Please take the time to see what your Food Service has to offer. Below you can find menus, food products available for purchase, as well as program updates.

Riverway is currently operating under the School Nutrition Program. In Minnesota all Students can receive Breakfast and Lunch at no charge


Printed versions of the menus are available in the school office.

Please note: Calorie amounts will be a part of each menu. Calorie requirements are set through the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act and vary by age group.


K-12 — 400-450 Calories Daily


K-8 — 600-650 Calories Daily
9-12 — 750-850 Calories Daily

Jan Breakfast
Jan Lumcj

Kitchen Happenings

We are glad to again be able to serve our students a fresh fruit or vegetable snack daily through the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.

This all will promote a healthy lifestyle, where full stomachs lead to attentive learners.

We encourage all students to participate in these exciting initiatives!

Free Breakfasts for State Testing

Riverway offers all testing students free breakfasts during state test taking days. We encourage all students to participate!

Nutrition Services Staff


Mariah Johnson

Nutrition Director


Linda Willard

Nutrition Assistant